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Kelly Albrecht

Welcome. I have the honor of being the wife to an amazing man (currently an Air Force Chaplain). I am the proud Mama of 3 sons. I am also a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. 

    My Story


    I had the honor of being a counselor before I had my first child. After experiencing unexpected challenges in my motherhood journey, I discovered the need for the specialty of maternal mental health. It was what I refer to as a “Romans 8:28 thing” - God using all things (even the hard) for good. While receiving training through the Postpartum Support International & The Postpartum Stress Center, I learned so much that helped me in understanding my own journey during pregnancy and postpartum. I now focus my counseling practice on maternal mental health. So, I’m a Mama and a counselor to mamas. Thus, the name Mama Counselor. I have a separate website for my counseling practice, but this website is for me to write. This is a space I get to share a bit more personally than the counseling office. I will share of life’s joys and challenges and share some tips and tricks I’ve learned in my trainings as a counselor. I pray that you find encouragement here as we navigate our journeys with motherhood. 

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